Sunday, September 7, 2014

Happy Father's Day

                            Happy Father's Day Dad!

Thanks for being the best father figure in Miss E's life and one of my biggest supporters! If I have any need he is always the first one to help, he has an amazing generous heart that would help anyone. My Dad and my mum are currently on holiday, being grey nomads, but we had the opportunity to call and talk with him on our way to church this morning.

Sharing his sugar with a rainbow lorikeet


Saturday, September 6, 2014

Mowing the Lawn

Why do most of my negative thoughts happen when I am doing the simplest tasks?

We have been on holidays for 5 weeks and when we pulled up into the driveway and the front lawn looked like jungle :-(
I was long although you can't tell in this photo
It's gets overwhelming and that's when the negative thoughts creep in. I don't know why but I start to feel sorry for myself thinking poor me if only I had a husband who could mow the lawns and then I wouldn't have to do it.
Which is stupid thinking I know because there are many married women who still have to mow their lawns, having a husband doesn't guarantee that he would mow the lawns anyway.
A job well done :-)
Most of the single mums that I know actually just pay someone to come and mow their lawns which I can see would make life easier by not having to worry about petrol and maintenance for the lawnmower, but I could never really justify the expense.

So I just have to change my negative thoughts into positive thoughts and realise that a job doesn't always have to be perfect it just needs to be done :-) 
Next outdoor job on the list is all the weeds that have sprung up and we are only 6 days into Spring!